This is the website of Holly Whitaker.

The best way to keep up with my work is to sign up for my newsletter.

You can book time 1:1 with me here.

I don’t really do social media anymore, but I still have an Instagram.


About About About

about about about


Hi, you. 

I’m Holly Whitaker, the author of the New York Times Bestseller Quit Like a Woman, the audio guide 30 Days to a New Relationship with Alcohol, the founder of Tempest, Inc. (acquired by Monument, 2022), and most recently the writer of the column Recovering.

I’m a person in long-term recovery (I’ve recently discussed that I now use cannabis and some psychedelics) who thinks that the key to everything we’re looking for, both individually and societally, comes from the work we do on ourselves and that our global liberation depends on our individual liberation. Hurt people hurt people, and a core part of my work is to extend compassion, charitable assumption, and grace to all.

If I had to choose professional labels for myself, I’d choose writer, researcher, teacher, and student. I prefer laptops to pens, cats to dogs. I enjoy gardening, piles of books, creating stuff, talking on the phone, doing absolutely nothing with people that fit like old sweaters, and napping. I love coffee, Topo Chico, and trail running. I find life to be excruciating, but I also am thrilled by the mystery of it, the way it never stays the same. I swing left; equity, equality, and social justice are core to me and the alleviation of addiction. I believe all humans are inherently and basically good, even the worst of them. Love ethic and non-violence are my north stars.

The older I get, the less answers I have, and the more I learn, the more I’m convinced I know nothing at all. My work is personal and subjective and how I make sense of the world and my place in it.

I’m currently working on my third book (Random House) and trying to write here and there regularly, mostly in my newsletter, because writing is what I like to do the most. 

I don’t know you, but I care about you. You deserve a soft place to land. It is my sincerest hope that my work is of benefit to you.